Hi! I'm Pieter, a Full-Stack Software Developer.

ExperienceProjectsAbout MeContactResume


freightlogics logo


Software DeveloperDecember 2020 - Present
  • Developed custom integrations for transportation management systems
  • Helped build new SAAS products
  • Built and maintained web and mobile applications, along with related backend services
  • Worked with shipping companies to gather requirements and implement custom solutions
  • Integrated with and expanded on our client's large legacy database systems

Dye & Durham

Jr. Software DeveloperJanuary 2020 - October 2020
  • Collaborated with designer to implement interactive UI additions and enhancements
  • Back-end work with Ruby on Rails and MySql, implementing business logic for enterprise conveyancing software
  • MySQL database query writing, query optimization, schema design




Released January 2024

Free online chess for casual games with friends. Mobile and Desktop friendly, and no sign-ups.

Image of livechess.xyz (in-progress game)
Image of livechess.xyz (config menu)
Image of livechess.xyz (in-progress game (mobile))


Released November 2023

A tool for team-based FPS game "Squad" which can track player movements through the game world(on the ingame map) using computer vision.

Image of squadgps (Yehorivka)
Image of squadgps (Manicouagan)
Image of squadgps (Uploading route)


Released December 2020

Real-time collaborative note-taking in plain text, integrated with github gists.

Image of share_notes app
Image of share_notes app
Image of share_notes app
Image of share_notes app
Image of share_notes app

About Me

Image of Pieter Vanderpol

Programming has been a passion of mine long before I decided to make a career out of it. I've been building and tinkering with programming off and nn since high school in languages such as python and javascript, and I wrote my first real programs: (a special purpose discord bot, and a 2048 clone.

I have a special affinity for problems involving multi-threaded and/or distributed systems, and I'm always looking for new tools and techniques to make these kinds of problems easier. I've built a strong foundation and in this domain using promises/tasks, observables(rxjs) and semaphores for programming primitives, and serverless, docker, and proficiency with many different databases for infrastructure.

Some skills I've picked up along the way outside of web development are related to statistics, machine learning and computer vision, using libraries such as pandas, pytorch, numpy and opencv to build things both in my personal projects and sometimes at work when they were needed.

To round things out I've also got a basic grip of c++ and rust for more systems-programming oriented tasks, though I plan to branch out into go when the opportunity arises. I've also done plenty of performance-aware programming in typescript(for example the code behind the background of this webpage, blog post coming soon).

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